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Pattern Workshops for Young Creators

90 minute design challenges suitable for students aged 7-10

Patterns shape our world, guiding growth and inspiring creativity. In these workshops, we will explore the beauty of patterns found in nature, such as spiral seashells and the symmetry in plants, through fun games and hands-on design activities.

Each session will focus on different natural patterns, helping children learn to create their own designs using various artistic techniques and mediums. The workshops are designed to be easy to follow, ensuring that children aged 7 to 10 are engaged in both thoughtful and practical ways.

As part of the workshop, each child will create and fill their own "Box of Patterns," where they can collect their discoveries, designs, drawings, and artwork. This personal box will be theirs to keep and continue adding to as they explore the world of patterns further.

Duration: 90 minute sessions 

Cost: £24.50 per session (6 X Sessions in total)

Equipment required: Supplied

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