Beginner Interiors
(suitable for students aged 11+)
Thursdays: 6:00-7:30pm
Saturdays: 1:30-3:00pm
This course is aimed at students interested in pursuing a career in interior design. Get a taste of what interior designers do, by working on a simple project that will teach you how to draw like a professional by getting to grips with scale drawing and architectural symbols. Learn how to make a mood board and present your ideas to an audience.
Duration: This self-paced course allows students to join at any time. While the course typically runs for 6 weeks, students have the flexibility to complete it at their own pace.
Cost: £24.50 per session
Equipment required: A3 Portfolio to store work
Intermediate Interior Design Part 1
(suitable for students aged 12+)
Saturdays: 1:30-3:00pm
This course is aimed at students interested in pursuing a career in interior design and who have completed the Beginners Interior Design Course (or can show evidence of competency). Using the skills learnt in the pervious course, design a more complex project and learn how to draw 3D drawings of your project.
Duration: This self-paced course allows students to join at any time. While the course typically runs for 6 weeks, students have the flexibility to complete it at their own pace.
Cost: £24.50 per session
Equipment required: A3 Portfolio

Intermediate Interior Design Part 2
(suitable for school years 6+)
Saturdays: 1:30-3:00pm
Work according to a budget and bring your design to life. Learn how to make a materials board and write a specification and create schedules for the project completed in part 1.
Duration: This self-paced course allows students to join at any time. While the course typically runs for 6 weeks, students have the flexibility to complete it at their own pace.
Cost: £24.50 per session
Equipment required: A3 Portfolio
Advanced Interiors
(suitable for students aged 14+)
Schedule to Come
Once the beginner and intermediate courses are done, now tackle a more challeniging project by completing a project for an entertainment venue, by completing the steps you covered in the previous courses and preparing a presentation for an audience for feedback and questioning.
Duration: This self-paced course allows students to join at any time. While the course typically runs for 6 weeks, students have the flexibility to complete it at their own pace.
Cost: £24.50 per session
Equipment required: TBC

Advanced Interiors continued
(suitable for students aged 14+)
Schedule to Come
Choose form a series of more advanced interior design projects to complete for your professional portfolio. Explore computer programmes like Sketchup and AutoCAD. Complete projects under tutor guidance to get ready for your entrance into the professional world.
Duration: This self-paced course allows students to join at any time. While the course typically runs for 6 weeks, students have the flexibility to complete it at their own pace.
Cost: £24.50 per session
Equipment required: A3 Portfolio