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Private Tuition & Portfolio Preparation for College or University

Private Tuition or part of a group

These sessions cover personal projects, GCSE and A-Level Art support, as well as help with scholarship applications and portfolios.  We also support students applying for design based courses at Art College or University.

Duration: 90 minute sessions 

Cost: POA (pay as you go)

Equipment required: Bring your own equipment, some supplied.

Jewelry Sketches
Image by Rifqi Ali Ridho

11+ & 13+ Art Scholarship Tuition & Portfolio Development

Private Tuition or part of a group

We provide bespoke support for scholarship applications.  We offer one-to-one private tuition for portfolio preparation for the 11+ or 13+ art scholarship exams and interviews

Duration: 90 minute sessions 

Cost: POA (pay as you go)

Equipment required: Bring your own equipment, some supplied.

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